Wednesday 29 June 2016

SOA and Legacy Modernization

SOA and Legacy Modernization

November 21, 2013
Service-enabling legacy assets and effectively managing and orchestrating services is the first step toward realizing the promise of the New Enterprise. In this webinar, Steven Camina, Sr. Product Manager at MuleSoft, will present strategies and demo solutions for getting the most out of your legacy assets and outline the steps you can take to build a solid foundation for APIs down the road

Friday 17 June 2016

XCode UI Automation Testing Developement


There is a problem that we meet everyday in our development process. An application has a scenario to test; In first build, this scenario already tested with Pass status. Later, in some newer builds, some functions are added or edited. These functions somehow related to the scenario we tested in the first build. So we need to re-test this scenario again to make sure our application runs smoothly. And the problem is we need to test the same scenario from build to build. It takes a lot of time to re-test a scenario, especially, it is tested manually.

Today I’ll introduce you a new technique to help us reduce a lot of time for re-testing, which is integrated in XCode: Automation UI Testing.

What is XCode UI Testing?

I’m sure that all you us already know about the concept of UI Testing. Before WWDC 2015, Xcode already has a tool included in Instruments. Instruments is a set of tool for developer to play with their apps. That tool is called: Automation.

Automation in Instruments

But the script in Automation is written based on Javascript syntax and not really familiar to mobile developer, especially iOS developer. Besides, Automation cannot help us with debugging, detail error report and cannot put all test cases in 1 file.

Automation code is written in Javascript

But XCode UI testing can solve all the problems above. Introduced in WWDC 2015, Xcode UI Testing is a brand new tool which is integrated in Xcode 7. We can take a look at a small part in Xcode UI Testing file. We can see it is more clearly, more beautiful, and more friendly to iOS developer.

Automation code is written in Swift

Core technologies include XCTest framework and Accessibility

  • XCTest provides the framework for UI testing capabilities, integrated with Xcode. Creating and using UI testing expands upon what you know about using XCTest and creating unit tests. You create a UI test target, and you create UI test classes and UI test methods as a part of your project. You use XCTest assertions to validate that expected outcomes are true. Test is fully compatible with both Objective-C and Swift. 
  • Accessibility is the core technology that allows disabled users the same rich experience for iOS and OS X that other users receive. It includes a rich set of semantic data about the UI that users can use can use to guide them through using your app. Accessibility is integrated with both UIKit and AppKit and has APIs that allow you to fine-tune behaviors and what is exposed for external use. UI testing uses that data to perform its functions.

There also be UI Recording. This is a really great feature of XCode UI Testing which help developer write automation test code without putting too much effort. Because the code which is  generated by the recording is in swift/objectiveC, the logic of UI element is unified to the development. This would make our test cases built quickly and exactly.


There are 3 APs:

  1. XCUIApplication: is a proxy for app being tested. It is independent from the application because of running in a separate process.
  2. XCUIElement:
    • XCUIElement is a proxy for UI elements.
    • Elements can be different types: buttons, cells, windows, etc.
    • Elements has its own identifiers - strings generated by the accessibility system: accessibility identifiers, labels, titles etc.
  3. XCUIElementQuery: XCUIElementQuery provides access to a specific element. The result of running query is a set of current UI elements visible for the accessibility system.

With these 3 APIs, coding ui automation test can emulate almost (with exceptions) end-user interaction.


To evaluate the result, we al so have Assertions listed by category. XCTestAssertions are categorized into 5 groups. Whenever we put assertions in our automation test code, we can evaluate this is correctly functioned or not. For example, I delete an element, I want to determine whether the element is existed or not, I can put XCTestAssertion to compare value as well as existence of the element. Assertion will fail if the value is not equal and we will get the fail report and we can know exactly where the error is. How convenient it is!


XCode UI Testing opens to iOS and OSX developer as well as tester a new way to do automation test for iOS and OSX, easier, faster and familiar. But since it’s still a new tool for us, it still has some limitations:

  • Require iOS 9+ to run tests. Not only SDK, but latest iOS must be installed on testing device/simulator.
  • Require device to be configured for development and connected to trusted host running Xcode.
  • Require access to accessibility features set from privacy settings.
  • Running on Mac OS only: if your QA-team have no Macs (like our do) that may be a problem.
  • You could test only your main app: extensions neither watch app testing is not supported.
  • Can't find any documentation for the moment.
  • Can't find way to test anything outside the app. Can't switch to safari, make URL request and then go back again.
  • Some other limitations may happen when running UI test
  • Limitation on events, we have tap(), doubleTap() but no longPress(). Instead of longPress(), we have to use an alternative way such as pressForDuration().
  • Elements must be recognised by Accessibility. For some complex application, this can be more complicated.
  • This also required iOS 9 and above to run test. So Testers also need a MAC to run all the test.
  • Moreover, lack of documentation is another challenge that we have to deal with.


But over all of these challenges, we have a fabulous tool to work with. 

  • If possible, we can save much time on testing. 
  • In the future, Instrument Automation will be removed from Instruments and Apple recommends are moving to Xcode UI Testing for all the UI Testing.
  • 1 more important things is: this is a tool from Apple, so the update to newer version of iOS with new UI control will also be supported at the same time of updating. With third party, we have to wait some time for it to update after the iOS updating.

So. It’s worth for trying right now!